Communaute evangelique en Ubangi-Mongala
(Impresión | corregir datos)

Evangelical Community in Ubangi-Mongala
B.P. 140, Gemena
Congo, Democratic Republic (Africa)
No: 12148 / 1237

The church came into existence through missionary efforts of the (Swedish) Mission Covenant Church in the United States (cf. United States no. 15a). The Mission Covenant Church in the USA has close links with the Svenska Missions-forbündet (cf. Sweden). In 1927 a delegation of the Church in Sweden visited the Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant Church in the United States. In 1937 the church changed its name to Evangelical Covenant Church of America. In the same year the church developed plans for missionary work in central Africa. As investigations in the French Congo failed, the missionaries of the Covenant Church, with the support of the Conseil Protestant du Congo and the Svenska Missions-forbündet, started work in the far northwest of the Belgian Congo. Before independence this church closely collaborated with the Disciples of Christ (cf. no. 6), especially in the field of education. It also sent students to the medical school of Kimpese (cf. CEC, no. 7). Having its roots in the region of origin of late president Mobutu, the church enjoyed certain advantages but was also faced with considerable difficulties. The church belongs to the Eglise du Christ au Congo (ECC), but it is not a member of WARC or ARCK.

Note: We did not manage to contact this church. Therefore, we cannot exclude that its address has changed or that the church does not exist any more.
Whoever has information about this church may contact us. We will be happy to update our information.

datos de la iglesia

total: 0
(tradicional): 0
comunidades domésticas
(comunidades en desarrollo): 0
total: 0
no se encuentran datos acerca de la ordenación de mujeres para el ministerio
total: 0
total: 0
  no se encuentran datos acerca de instituciones diaconales
total: 0
no seencuentran datos acerca de la labor misionera en el extranjero
no se encuentran datos acerca del bautismo
padrinos de bautizo
no hay informaciones acerca de padrinos
Santa Cena
por año: 0
no hay informaciones acerca de la edición de revistas propias
instituciones de formación teológica

número: 0

colegios científico-humanistas
no se encuentran datos acerca de otros colegios
año de fundación
estructura organizacional
not communicated


última actualización: 20.02.2004
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