Korean Presbyterian Church
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419-42 HapJeong-Dong, MaPo-Gu
Korea, Republic of (Asia)
Telephone: +82 2 322 6711
Fax: +82 2 322 6713
Address-No.: 13114 / 4621
HoHun also split from HapDong (no. 15). In 1961 some 25 delegates to the Assembly, among them Pastor Park Byung-Hun and Kim Yun-Chan, formed a special association for the safeguard of the conservative faith. They declared their intention to join ICCC. In the following year they formed the General Assembly HoHun. Park Byung-Hun was elected as moderator.Thechurch joined ICCC and was financially supported by it. An unfortunate conflict over leadership arose in the early ’60s. A group led by Pastor Lee Do-Bong sought to prolong Park Byung-Hun in his leadership functions. A clash developed with the new moderator Song Jae-Muk, who left the denomination and founded the Presbyterian Church of Korea (HwanWon [no. 19]) in 1967. HwanWon enjoyed the support of the ICCC. For a time, HoHun found itself in a precarious situation. Under the leadership of Pastor Sin Eun-Kyun, the church succeeded in overcoming its financial difficulties. It united with ChongYun (1977). Pastor Sin Eun-Kyun was elected as moderator (1978). A year later Park Byung-Hun and a group of his followers separated from HoHun (1979); after Park’s death most of them returned to HoHun eleven years later (1990). HoHun adopted a policy of integrating small denominations into church fellowship, e.g.,BoKum (Pastor Park Myung-Bin) and SuBu (Pastor Hwang Jong-Ik).In 1982 the church established a Committee for Combining Denominations. As a result several small groups joined HoHun. In 1987 HoHun sought to unite with BoSu (Pastor Lee Hyun-Jae).But two years later controversies over this union and over the presidency of HoHun Seminary (founded in 1985) led to a division within the General Assembly of HoHun.
Note: We did not manage to contact this church. Therefore, we cannot exclude that its address has changed or that the church does not exist any more. Whoever has information about this church may contact us. We will be happy to update our information.
Statistic data of church
Members |
total: 120000 |
Parishes |
(conventionally): 910 |
house fellowships |
(Number of growing parishes): 0 |
Ordained clergy |
total: 930 |
no women´s ordination |
Elders/Presbyters |
total: 0 |
Deacons |
total: 0 |
no information about deacons |
Missionaries |
total: 0 |
no information about missionaries working abroad |
Baptismal practise |
no information about baptism
Godparents |
No information about godparents
Lord's Supper |
Frequency per annum: 0
Newspapers/ Periodicals |
no information about publication of magazines |
Theological training facilities |
Number: 1 |
Schools providing general education |
no information about other schools |
Founded in |
1961 |
Organizational structures |
Presbyterian (39 Presbytery, General Assembly) |
Traditional type |
Official languages |
Confessions |
- Apostles´ Creed
- Westminster Confession (1646/47)
last update: 27.02.2004
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