Gereja Batak Karo Protestan
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Karo Batak Protestant Church
Jalan Kapten Pala Bangun No. 66
Kabanjahe 22115
Sumatra Utara
Indonesia (Asien)
Telefon: +62 628 20466, 21524
Fax: +62 628 20392
E-Mail: moderamen@gbkp.or.id synode@gbkp.or.id
AdressNr.: 1316 / 4214
Informationen im Internet:
URL: http:// www.gbkp.or.id
Sprachen des Internetauftritts: Indonesian, English
The Karonese were the only Batak tribe not to be served by the RMG. Christianity came to Karoland (North Sumatra) in 1890 with the first missionaries of the Nederlandsch Zendelinggenootschap. As the Karonese considered the mission part of a white conspiracy to rob them of their lands, growth was very slow initially. In 1941, when the church became independent and the first Karonese pastors were ordained, there were 5,000 Karo Christians. During the turbulent 1940s the church maintained itself, but after 1950 mass movements toward Christianity occurred. From 1980 onward evangelization among the Karonese had to be carried out in competition with Islam. In 1979 the church demonstrated its internal growth with the drawing up of a confession of faith (PengakuanDasar),which was expanded in 1984. Also, the church abandoned the negative attitude toward traditional culture it had inherited from the mission, and reformulated its church order (1959, 1971, 1976). The GBKP has a number of schools and clinics, and supports a Christian orphanage, home for the elderly, and credit bank. It had woman elders from the beginning, woman deacons from 1961, and ordained woman ministers from 1987. The church considers April 18, 1890, as its birth date.
Schools and diaconal institutions: Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, High School * The Old Age Service Center "YAPOS" * The Foundation for Welfare of the Handicapped "Alpha Omega" * The Orphanage Center "Gelora Kasih" * Health Service Foundation (under preparation) Community Development with some units of services: AIDS, Advocacy for women, SocialEconomy empowerment, Credit Union, Community Organisation The GBKP has a Retreat Center in Sukamakmur and a center for the education of the church members.
Further partner churches and institutions: Overseas Ministries Fellowship (American) Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Tanzania General Board of Global Ministries (part of the United Methodist Church in America) Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe (Germany)
Publications: Warta GBKP Maranatha (monthly)
Statistik der Kirche
Mitglieder |
total: 286804 |
zum Abendmahl zugelassen: 190456 |
getaufte: 286804 |
Gemeinden |
(herkömmlich): 366 |
Hauskreise |
(Gemeinden im Werden): 768 |
Ordinierte |
total: 190 |
Männer: 149 |
Frauen: 41 |
Frauenordination üblich
since 1953 |
Älteste |
total: 7840 |
Diakone/innen |
total: 4944 |
diakonische Einrichtungen vorhanden |
Missionare/innen |
total: 1 |
Männer: 1 |
keine Missionare im Ausland tätig |
Missionarische Einrichtungen:
Taufe |
Kinder- und Gläubigentaufe
Taufpaten |
Taufpaten sind üblich
Abendmahl |
pro Jahr: 4
Publikationen |
keine Angabe über die Herausgabe eigener Zeitschriften |
Theol. Ausbildungsstätten |
Anzahl: 0 |
Allgemeinbld. Schulen |
sonstige Schulen in Trägerschaft |
Gründungsjahr |
1890 |
Organisationstruktur |
Presbyterian Synod |
Herkunftstyp |
Amtssprachen |
Gottesdienstsprachen |
Bekenntnisgrundlage |
- Apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnis
- Athanasisches Glaubensbekenntnis
- Heidelberger Katechismus (1563)
- Nizänisches Glaubensbekenntnis (381)
Partnerschaften |
Mitgliedschaften |
Internationale Verbindungen
Regionale Verbindungen
Nationale Verbindungen
Mitglieder, Träger und Partner:
letzte Akutalisierung des Datensatzes: 01.03.2006
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