Gereja Protestan Indonesia Luwu
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Luwu Indonesian Protestant Church
Kotak Pos 113, Jalan Veteran No. 83
91923 Palopo
Sulawesi Selatan
Indonesia (Asien)
Telefon: +62 471 23 616
AdressNr.: 1347 / 4235
Up to 1965 the history of Christianity in Luwu coincides with that of the Gereja Toraja, Luwu being part of the same mission field. However, not until 1930 was a missionary placed in Luwu proper. As the coastal areas had been Islamicized from the 17th century, the mission could only make headway in the mountain villages (first baptism April 21, 1918). After political independence was reached (1949), an Islam-inspired rebellion against the central government broke out. As a consequence the congr suffered, and some of the Christians had to settle in the coastal area. After order had been restored, the number of Christians in Luwu increased through immigration from the densely populated Toraja highlands. Regional feelings caused a number of Luwurese Christians to split off from the Gereja Toraja and constitute the GPIL. The church considers February 6, 1966, as its date of birth.
Die Gemeindeglieder sind überwiegend Kleinbauern und Tagelöhner. Deshalb legt die Luwu-Kirche besonderen Wert auf Bildungsprogramme, auf Sonntagsschule und Gemeinschaftserfahrungen. (aus: ems-Fürbittkalender 2003)
Note: We did not manage to contact this church. Therefore, we cannot exclude that its address has changed or that the church does not exist any more. Whoever has information about this church may contact us. We will be happy to update our information.
Statistik der Kirche
Mitglieder |
total: 10000 |
Gemeinden |
(herkömmlich): 98 |
Hauskreise |
(Gemeinden im Werden): 0 |
Ordinierte |
total: 17 |
Frauenordination nicht üblich |
Älteste |
total: 0 |
Diakone/innen |
total: 0 |
keine Angaben zu diakonischen Einrichtungen vorhanden |
Missionare/innen |
total: 0 |
keine Angaben zur missionarischen Arbeit im Ausland vorhanden |
Taufe |
keine Angaben zur Taufe vorhanden
Taufpaten |
Keine Informationen über Taufpaten
Abendmahl |
pro Jahr: 0
Publikationen |
keine Angabe über die Herausgabe eigener Zeitschriften |
Theol. Ausbildungsstätten |
Anzahl: 2 |
Allgemeinbld. Schulen |
keine Angaben zu sonstigen Schulen vorhanden |
Gründungsjahr |
1966 |
Organisationstruktur |
Presbyterian |
Herkunftstyp |
Amtssprachen |
Partnerschaften |
letzte Akutalisierung des Datensatzes: 27.02.2004
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