Gereja-Gereja Reformasi di Indonesia
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Reformed Churches in Indonesia - Nusatenggara Timur
P. Hawu, Melolo-Waingapu
87181 Sumba Timur
Nusatenggara Timur
Indonesia (Asia)
Address-No.: 1352 / 4240

Mission work on the island of Sumba started in 1881 (cf. Gereja Kristen Sumba no. 21). In 1938 one of the GKN missionaries was suspended, but most Christians in East Sumba remained loyal to this person and seceded from the GKN mission. After World War II a relationship was established between these congr and the GKN(V).Conflicts in the Netherlands (within the GKN(V)) and on Sumba led to a new schism. In 1976 the relation between GKN(V) and part of the Sumbanese congr was consolidated, the latter taking the name GGRI. The church has an agricultural center and a theological seminary at Wai Marangu (Melolo). There are also congr on the island of Sawu and in the provincial capital, Kupang.

Note: We did not manage to contact this church. Therefore, we cannot exclude that its address has changed or that the church does not exist any more.
Whoever has information about this church may contact us. We will be happy to update our information.

Statistic data of church

total: 4200
(conventionally): 14
house fellowships
(Number of growing parishes): 38
Ordained clergy
total: 10
no women´s ordination
total: 0
total: 0
  deacons available
total: 0
no information about missionaries working abroad
Baptismal practise
infant and believer´s baptism
No information about godparents
Lord's Supper
Frequency per annum: 4
Newspapers/ Periodicals
no information about publication of magazines
Theological training facilities

Number: 1

Schools providing general education
no other schools
Founded in
Organizational structures
Reformed (Congregation, classis, regional Synod)
Traditional type
  • reformed
Official languages
  • Indonesian
  • Apostles´ Creed
  • Athanasian Creed
  • Canon of Dort (1618/19)
  • Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
  • Nicene Creed (381)
  • Second Helvetic Confession (1562)
  • Westminster Confession (1646/47)


last update: 27.02.2004
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