Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
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Gujranwala Theological Seminary
PO Box 13, Civil Lines
Pakistan (Asien)
Telefon: +92 431 259512, 731570
Fax: +92 431 258314
E-Mail: kamil65@gjr.paknet.com.pk
AdressNr.: 1441 / 4350
United Presb missionaries from the USA started work in 1834 in Ludhiana (East Punjab). A year later J. C. Lowrie, the pioneer Presb missionary, moved from Ludhiana to Lahore. In 1849, after the second Sikh war, the Presb began missionary work in Lahore under John Newton and Charles Forman; soon they extended their work to Rawalpindi. Their efforts resulted in the foundation of the Lahore Church Council. In 1855 the United Presbyterian Mission of the USA opened work in Lahore under Andrew Gordon; two years later he established a mission station in Sialkot, where he was soon joined by other missionaries. They opened schools and an orphanage. In 1859 the Sialkot Presbytery was formed. The church grew, and other presbyteries were established. In 1893 the Synod of the Punjab was formed as one of the synods of the United Presbyterian Church in the USA. The Synod of Punjab became autonomous in 1961 and constituted itself as the United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan. The church went through several crises. In 1968, as a result of the McIntire movement, a serious split occurred which, in subsequent years, has been largely healed. The United Presbyterian Church has made an impact on Christianity in Pakistan. The “Sialkot Conventions” held since 1904 have been instrumental in deepening the faith of many believers. The Sialkot Convention Hymnbookwith psalms and hymns in Punjabi and Urdu with Indian tunes is widely used in all churches, including the RCath Church. The United Presbyterian Church founded the seminary of Gujiranwala, which became a united seminary in 1954. In 1904, long before other Presb communities, the Lahore Church Council joined the United Church of Northern India. In contrast to the United Presbyterian Church, it became administratively independent from the USA. On November 18, 1993, the United Presbyterian Church and the Lahore Church Council of the United Church united to form the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan.
Note: We did not manage to contact this church. Therefore, we cannot exclude that its address has changed or that the church does not exist any more. Whoever has information about this church may contact us. We will be happy to update our information.
Statistik der Kirche
Mitglieder |
total: 400000 |
Gemeinden |
(herkömmlich): 200 |
Hauskreise |
(Gemeinden im Werden): 10 |
Ordinierte |
total: 220 |
keine Angaben zur Frauenordination vorhanden |
Älteste |
total: 0 |
Diakone/innen |
total: 0 |
keine Angaben zu diakonischen Einrichtungen vorhanden |
Missionare/innen |
total: 0 |
Missionare im Ausland tätig |
Taufe |
Kinder- und Gläubigentaufe
Taufpaten |
Keine Informationen über Taufpaten
Abendmahl |
pro Jahr: 12
Publikationen |
keine Angabe über die Herausgabe eigener Zeitschriften |
Theol. Ausbildungsstätten |
Anzahl: 1 |
Allgemeinbld. Schulen |
keine Angaben zu sonstigen Schulen vorhanden |
Gründungsjahr |
1961 |
Organisationstruktur |
sessions, Presbyteries, General Assembly |
Amtssprachen |
- English
- Urdu
- Urdu
- Punjabi
Bekenntnisgrundlage |
- Apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnis
- Athanasisches Glaubensbekenntnis
- Heidelberger Katechismus (1563)
- Nizänisches Glaubensbekenntnis (381)
- Westminster Bekenntnis (1646/47)
Mitgliedschaften |
Internationale Verbindungen
letzte Akutalisierung des Datensatzes: 09.02.2006
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