Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba
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Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba
Apartado 205
Matanzas 4100 MTZ
Cuba (North America)
Telephone: +53 7 621219, 621239
Fax: +53 7 338819
Email: iglesias@enet.cu
Address-No.: 12160 / 3300

This church was founded in 1890 by Evaristo Collazo, a layman who came from Tampa, Florida, in the United States. He founded communities in Havana and Santa Clara, Placetas. He was ordained by a Presb missionary who had come from the USA for the same purpose. Collazo’s intention was to support the struggle of the revolutionary party of José Marti for the independence of Cuba. He participated in the war for independence and obtained the grade of lieutenant in the revolutionary army. In 1902 the church was reopened. American missionaries engaged in evangelistic activities. The communities constituted themselves as a presby of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, Synod of New Jersey. In 1945 the Theological Seminary of Matanzas was founded as an ecumenical venture of Presb, Methodists, and Episcopalians. In 1967, eight years after the revolution, the church became autonomous. A year later it adopted its own confession of faith. The church runs a center with a capacity for 120 persons and publishes three journals — Heraldo Cristiano, Juprecu(for youth) and Su Voz.Since 1990 the church has ex-perienced rapid growth.


Statistic data of church

total: 15000
(conventionally): 59
house fellowships
(Number of growing parishes): 17
Ordained clergy
total: 26
women´s ordination
total: 0
total: 0
  deacons available
total: 0
no information about missionaries working abroad
Baptismal practise
infant and believer´s baptism
No information about godparents
Lord's Supper
Frequency per annum: 4
Newspapers/ Periodicals
no information about publication of magazines
Theological training facilities

Number: 1

Schools providing general education
no other schools
Founded in
Organizational structures
Presbyterian (3 Presbyteries, national Synod )
Official languages
  • Spanish
  • Apostles´ Creed
  • Barmen Declaration (1934)
  • Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
  • Nicene Creed (381)
  • Second Helvetic Confession (1562)
  • Westminster Confession (1646/47)
Partner churches

International assiciations

Members and partners:


last update: 09.02.2006
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