Ceskobratrská Cirkev Evangelická
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Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren / Evangelische Kirche der Böhmischen Brüder
Jungmannova 9
PO BOX 466
11121 Praha 1
Czech Republic (Europe)
Telephone: +420 224 999 211
Fax: +420 224 999 219
Email: Reininghaus@srcce.cz
Address-No.: 12162 / 6030

Information in the internet:

URL: http://www.srcce.cz
Languages of the website: Czech (German and English in progress)

The roots of the protestant church in Czech countries go back to the Bohemian reformation in the 15th century. But the severe counterreformation in the later centuries has interrupted its continuity. In 1918, when the state of Czechoslovakia came into existence, the two churches, the larger Reformed and the smaller Luth church, which had been artificially separated from one another, decided to unite and to form the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, which has been and still is a minority church within the secular society. In 1919, a Theological Faculty was established outside Charles University (first called Hus Faculty and, later, Comenius Faculty). Theological thinking was influenced by J. L. Hromádka (1889-1969). At the time of World War II part of the church was involved in resistance against the German occupation. During the period of communist regime 1948-1989 all churches were under the pressure, but ?CE always did try to develop the dialogue, which was best possible and stimulating during the 1960s.Since the demise of communism in 1989 is the church faced with new challenges. Many diaconal projects have been started, a number of pastors are involved in the public pastoral care in the public medias, in the military service and others. The theological Faculty has been incorporated into Charles University like The Evangelical Theological faculty. The ecumenical cooperation has been widely developed.

The church also recognizes the Bohemian Confession (1535) and the Czech Confession (1575).

6 Schools:
1 ground school, 4 schools for social and medical workers and 1 musical school.

32 diaconal institutions:
Home for elderly, Home for handicapped, Center for Home Services, Asylum for Mothers and Children, social work for youth, Nursery Home for mentally handicapped.

Ceský bratr, Bratrstvo in Czech
Bulletin Czech Protestant News in English
Evangelische Nachrichten aus Tschechien auf Deutsch

Further partner churches and organisations:
Protestant Church A.B. in Slovakia
Protestant Church A.B. in Poland
Lutheran Church in Hungary
Evangelische Kirche A.B. in Österreich
Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche in Bayern
Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Sachsens
Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg
Diakonisches Werk der EKD, Germany
Gustav-Adolf-Werk der EKD, Germany
Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen in der Schweiz (HEKS)

Statistic data of church

total: 117000
admitted to participate in the Lord's Supper:
(conventionally): 264
house fellowships
(Number of growing parishes): 1
Ordained clergy
total: 268
Men: 213
Women: 55
women´s ordination
since 1957
total: 2000
total: 21
Men: 19
Women: 2
  deacons available
total: 0
missionaries do not working abroad
Baptismal practise
infant and believer´s baptism
Lord's Supper
Frequency per annum: 12
Newspapers/ Periodicals
Publication of magazines
Theological training facilities

Number: 1

Schools providing general education
other schools
Founded in
Organizational structures
Presbyterian (264 Congregation, 13 seniorates + 1 seniorat Czech Brethen Unity, Synod)
Local church with the local presbytery - Seniorates Assembly + seniorates executive
General Assembly (Synod) + synodal council (synodní rada)
Traditional type
  • reformed
  • presbyterian
  • united
Official languages
  • Czech
Languages during church services
  • Czech
  • German
  • Apostles´ Creed
  • Confessio Augustana (1530)
  • Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
  • Nicene Creed (381)
  • Second Helvetic Confession (1562)
Partner churches

International assiciations

Regional assiciations

Members and partners:


last update: 09.02.2006
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