Though Taiwan was occupied by the Dutch in the middle of the 17th century, Prot mission began only in the 19th century. English Presb started work in the south of the island in 1865, and Canadian missionaries followed in 1872 in the north. Both missions were involved in evangelistic and medical work, laying the ground for a church which emphasizes both evangelism and social concern. Under Japanese rule they continued to use the Taiwanese language. Because of the increasing militarism of Japan in the late ’30s, it seemed in the best interest of the church that all missionaries be withdrawn, and this gave the church an early experience of autonomy. The Presb Church in Taiwan has a strong commitment to evangelism. Evangelistic work among the aborigines started in the ’30s (about 30% of the aborigines today belong to the Presb Church). The most rapid church growth was experienced in the period from 1955 to 1965 during the “Double the Church Movement.” From 1978 the church was engaged in an extensive evangelism effort known as the “Ten One Movement,” aimed at a 10% increase in communicant membership each year. In 1990 the church joined other denominations in promoting the “Year 2000 Gospel Movement,” whose collective goal is to nurture 2 million Christians in 10,000 churches and send out 200 missionaries to other countries. The church has maintained a strong sense of political and social concern for the people of Taiwan and the future of the island. It has taken a clear stand in favor of the selfdetermination of the Taiwanese people. Despite government pressure — in the early ’80s, the General Secretary, C. M. Kao, was imprisoned for several years — the church issued several statements on the future of Taiwan: On our National Fate (1971), Our Appeal (1975), On Human Rights (1977), Recommendations Concerning the Present Situation (1990), On the Sovereignty of Taiwan (1991). The church is particularly concerned with the recognition of the rights of aborigines; it also defends, e.g.,the interests of exploited fishermen and does rehabilitation work among girls trapped in prostitution. It runs six hospitals and a number of other institutions.