Presbyterian Church of Ghana
(Impresión | corregir datos)

Thorpe Road
PO Box 1800
Ghana (Africa)
Teléfono: +233 21 662 511, 664 761
Fax: +233 21 665 594
E-Mail: pcghq@presbyghana.org

No: 1070337 / 1061

From 1828 missionaries of the Basel Mission, mainly from South West Germany, Switzerland, and the West Indies, established stations in the Ga- and Twi-speaking eastern part of the Gold Coast, later spreading to other parts of the country. The first indigenous pastor, David Asante, was trained in Basel and ordained in 1864. First called the Basel Mission of the Gold Coast, the church was renamed the Scottish Mission Church after World War I and became, in 1926, with a Presbyterian Constitution, the Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast. In 1957 Gold Coast be-came known as Ghana. Today the church is one of the largest Prot churches, comprising 13 presby all over the country and the 'northern mission field', covering the three northern regions and other rural mission fields within various presby. The church is running primary, secondary, and vocational schools, teacher training colleges, lay training centers, hospitals, clinics, primary health care programs, and agricultural and other social services. The main challenges are charismatic renewal, firmly established within the church through Bible study and prayer groups, and the issue of social institutions, which constitute a great financial burden but also as a means of evangelism.

- Christian Messenger (gen/monthly/nc)
- Presbyterian (gen/quarterly/nc)

datos de la iglesia

total: 444382
permitidos en la Santa Cena: 158981
bautizado(s): 444382 
(tradicional): 1865
comunidades domésticas
(comunidades en desarrollo): 400
total: 455
mujeres: 20
la ordenación de mujeres para el ministerio es usual
total: 0
total: 0
mujeres: 14
  existen instituciones diaconales
total: 10
existe labor misionera en el extranjero

instituciones misioneras:

bautismo de niños y creyentes
padrinos de bautizo
no hay informaciones acerca de padrinos
Santa Cena
por año: 0
edición de revistas propias (vs. texto)
instituciones de formación teológica

número: 3

colegios científico-humanistas
no se encuentran datos acerca de otros colegios
año de fundación
estructura organizacional
Presbyterian (13 presbys, synod)
tipo de origen
  • presbiteriano
idiomas oficiales
  • English
  • Ewe
  • Twi
  • Danme
  • Dagbani
  • Kusal
  • Chumuru
cooperación con
participación en

asociaciones internacionales

asociaciones nacionales

miembros, instituciones representantes y contrapartes:


última actualización: 07.02.2006
volver a la lista

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