Fria Missionsförbundet
(Impresión | corregir datos)

The Mission Covenant Church of Finland
Högbergsgatan 22
FIN 00130 Helsingfors 13
Finland (Europa)
Teléfono: +358 9 681 245 10
Fax: +358 9 681 245 15
E-Mail: expen.fmf@dlc.fi
No: 12184 / 6530

informaciones en la red:

URL: www.missionsforbundet.org
idiomas disponibles en el sitio: Swedish

The first local congr was founded in 1880. The Fria Missionen (the Free Mission) was constituted in 1889 as a result of revivals in the 1880s and 1890s. In 1921 the Free Mission was divided into a Finnish and a Swedish group. As a rule pastors of this church baptize only believers, while children are baptized by a pastor of the Finnish Lutheran Church. The church emphasizes renewal, teaching, prayer, and personal evangelism. It does not have congr abroad, but it cooperates in mission with other denominations in some eight countries around the world.

En Vag periodical

Further partner churches and associations:
Full Gospel Fellowship in Guyana
Youth with a Mission
Unevangelized Fields Mission International
People International

Council of Free Churches of Finland
Swedish speaking Ecumenical Council of Finland
Finska Missionsradet

datos de la iglesia

total: 1500
bautizado(s): 1500 
(tradicional): 19
comunidades domésticas
(comunidades en desarrollo): 0
total: 33
hombres: 31
mujeres: 2
la ordenación de mujeres para el ministerio es usual
since 1970
total: 0
total: 0
  no se encuentran datos acerca de instituciones diaconales
total: 14
hombres: 6
mujeres: 8
no existe labor misionera en el extranjero
baptism bautismo de niños
child baptism is possible but seldom: most pastors decline to baptise children
padrinos de bautizo
no se usa el concepto padrino/madrina
Santa Cena
por año: 12
"Church allowes everybody who believes to attend, or even those who want to meet with the Lords. It is Jesus who inviteds to the supper."
edición de revistas propias (vs. texto)
instituciones de formación teológica

número: 0

colegios científico-humanistas
no se encuentran datos acerca de otros colegios
año de fundación
estructura organizacional
Pastoral-leadership (optional)/elders executive board (most elders + most deacons) general meeting
tipo de origen
  • evangelista
idiomas oficiales
  • Swedish
idiomas del culto
  • Swedish
  • Credo de los Apóstoles
  • Credo Niceno (381)
cooperación con


última actualización: 14.07.2003
volver a la lista

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