<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %> <%@ include file="../../Connections/cicero.jsp" %> <% Driver DriverNAuebersicht = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_cicero_DRIVER).newInstance(); Connection ConnNAuebersicht = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_cicero_STRING,MM_cicero_USERNAME,MM_cicero_PASSWORD); PreparedStatement StatementNAuebersicht = ConnNAuebersicht.prepareStatement("SELECT NEWSNR, TITEL FROM dbo.NEWS ORDER BY Newsnr Desc, DATE Desc"); ResultSet NAuebersicht = StatementNAuebersicht.executeQuery(); boolean NAuebersicht_isEmpty = !NAuebersicht.next(); boolean NAuebersicht_hasData = !NAuebersicht_isEmpty; Object NAuebersicht_data; int NAuebersicht_numRows = 0; %> <% int Repeat1__numRows = 7; int Repeat1__index = 0; NAuebersicht_numRows += Repeat1__numRows; %> reformed online
reformed online
Nachrichten und Termine
Reformierte Kirchen in der ganzen Welt
Reformed Online is looking for texts for its full-text database
Already for some time the full-text database in the Reformed-Online information system has made possible access to confessional texts, synodal documents, journals and further important literature of Reformed Protestantism. Besides this a title- and author-index offers a preliminary overview of the documents and literature available as full texts.

Particularly sought after at the moment are documents and texts of the Reformed tradition in PDF format, which would expand this international, virtual library of Reformed Protestantism.

  » link to the full-text database
  » submit your PDF files via the upload module


Latest News

<% while ((NAuebersicht_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %> <%=(((NAuebersicht_data = NAuebersicht.getObject("TITEL"))==null || NAuebersicht.wasNull())?"":NAuebersicht_data)%> ">
<% Repeat1__index++; NAuebersicht_hasData = NAuebersicht.next(); } %>

    » News Overview...
Johannes a Lasco LibraryAlliance of Reformed Churches

Basic Course 'Reformed History'
Lesson 6:
Reformed confessions
of the 16th and 17th centuries

The concept of the Reformed confession; Confessions from Switzerland; Confessions from France; Confessions from Germany; Confessions from Western and Northwestern Europe; Confessions from Eastern and Southeastern Europe; Forward look at the formation of confessions from the 18th to the 20th centuries

    » to lesson 6...

Basic Course 'Reformed History'
Lesson 3:
John Calvin, the reformation in Geneva and the beginnings of the reformation in France

John Calvin; The reformation in Geneva and the Geneva Church Order; Other reformers; The beginnings of the Reformation in France and its developments until 1598

    » to lesson 3...

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